
We host periodic workshops that will be 4-8 hours in length. Topics will include Self-love, Growing healthy relationships, Finding Joy and Fun in your life, Healing your inner self, Rewriting our old stories. Find currently scheduled workshops here: 

If you have a topic, you would like us to build a workshop around just email us at




Empowered Hearts: Supporting Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself

Empowered Hearts is a transformative workshop for those navigating the complexities of supporting loved ones battling substance misuse. In this six-hour journey, we delve deep into understanding substance misuse, fostering open dialogue with our loved ones, and nurturing self-love.

Through interactive discussions and compassionate inquiry, we unravel myths surrounding addiction and explore the science behind it. We equip participants with effective communication tools to engage in open dialogue, fostering deeper connections and understanding with their loved ones.

Boundary setting is emphasized as a form of self-care, empowering participants to establish healthy boundaries while maintaining compassion. Nature-based activities and creative arts exercises offer moments of self-reflection and relaxation, nurturing participants’ self-love and resilience.

Join us in Empowered Hearts to deepen your understanding of substance misuse, strengthen connections with your loved ones through open dialogue, and prioritize your own self-love on the journey of caregiving.


No Longer Accepting Participants Saturday, June 22, 2024

Lead Facilitators: Christine Quinn, Ph.D., Lori Frison, MS LPC

Living Kindness Retreat

Evansville, WI (Just south of Madison)

Cost: $170

Scholarships Available. We value your presence and want economic circumstances to never hinder attendance. 


Key Workshop Topics

Deepening Your Understanding of Addiction
Challenge assumptions and delve into the latest research on trauma and substance misuse. Through interactive discussions, explore common misconceptions and uncover the truths behind addiction. Discover how to deepen your understanding, fostering empathy and informed support for your loved one.

Opening The Dialogue
Learn effective communication techniques to engage with your loved one in meaningful conversations that foster healing and recovery. Develop an approach that prioritizes empathy, understanding, and support, laying the foundation for transformative connections and progress.

Heart-to-Heart Discussion on Self-Love
Join a compassionate and open dialogue on the significance of self-love, particularly amidst the challenges of supporting a loved one with substance misuse. Share experiences, insights, and empowering strategies with fellow women who understand, creating a space for mutual support and growth.

Empowerment Practices to Take Home
Equip yourself with practical, personalized daily practices to nurture and strengthen your self-love. These empowering tools will serve as anchors, guiding you towards greater resilience, compassion, and personal fulfillment on your caregiving journey.
Reconnecting with Fun and Joy
Discover the importance of incorporating joy, positivity and laughter into your healing process and family dynamics. Explore ways to embrace fun and light-hearted moments, fostering connection and vitality amidst life’s challenges.



Embrace Your Radiance:
A Self-Love Workshop for Women

Join us this February for a transformative and nurturing self-love workshop tailored for women with loved ones who struggle or have struggled with substance misuse. This workshop, thoughtfully curated around Valentine’s Day, is designed to reduce the stress that comes with having a loved one who struggles with misusing substances. Come together with other women who understand your situation. Become a calm and loving presence, to yourself and others, with empowerment strategies for navigating this special kind of heartbreak. Find your inner strength by cultivating a deeper connection to yourself and the boundless well of love within.

Secure your spot now for an enriching day dedicated to self-love and resilience. Let the warmth of community, the power of self-reflection, and the beauty of nature guide you towards a renewed sense of self.

Limited spaces available. Reserve your place today and invest in the love and care you deserve.

For inquiries and registration, contact Christine J. Quinn – 312-288-5669 or


Saturday, February 10, 2023 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Lead Presenter: Lori Frison, MS LPC

Living Kindness Retreat

Evansville, WI (Just south of Madison)

Cost: $114

Valentine’s Special – $114 for the workshop and lunch.  We don’t want financial resources to be a barrier so are providing scholarships for those with a need.  Contact Christine at   with scholarship requests. 

Key Workshop Topics

Guided Meditation for Inner Harmony
Take a moment to center yourself through a soothing guided meditation. Learn to quiet the external noise, embrace stillness, and establish a profound connection with your inner self.

Heart-to-Heart Discussion on Self-Love
Engage in an open and supportive dialogue about the importance of self-love, especially when navigating the complex emotions tied to a loved one’s substance misuse. Share experiences, insights, and empowering strategies with other women who understand.

Expressive Art Project
Unleash your creativity in a therapeutic art session that applies the principles discussed during the self-love discussion. Express your journey, hopes, and aspirations through art, creating a tangible reminder of your strength and resilience.

Nature Walk for Renewal
Immerse yourself in the healing embrace of nature during a rejuvenating walk. Nature has a unique way of offering solace and perspective, allowing you to release stress, find clarity, and reconnect with the beauty within and around you.

Empowerment Practices to Take Home
Leave with practical, personalized daily practices to nurture and grow your self-love. These empowering tools will serve as anchors, supporting you on your journey to greater resilience, compassion, and personal fulfillment.