Seasonal Retreats

Seasonal Retreats:
Empower Yourself While Supporting Loved Ones Struggling with Substance Misuse

Embark on a transformative journey with Living Kindness retreats, designed to provide individuals and families with loved ones facing substance misuse a supportive and rejuvenating environment. Each retreat, tailored to a specific season, offers a unique blend of community building, nature immersion, addiction education, and holistic well-being practices.

Through these seasonal retreats, families and individuals are provided with a holistic and nurturing space to navigate the challenges of substance misuse while promoting resilience, connection, and well-being.

Sessions begin on Friday evening (6:00 p.m.)  and wrap up by noon on Sunday. Retreats and workshops are held at Living Kindness outside of Madison, Wisconsin.


Building Community:
Engage in group sessions, sharing circles, and communal activities that strengthen bonds and foster a supportive community.

Nature Immersion:
Experience the healing benefits of nature through outdoor activities carefully curated for each season.

Understanding Addiction:
Participate in workshops and discussions that deepen your understanding of addiction and its impact on families, fostering empathy and awareness.

Promoting Self-Love and Well-Being:
Develop stronger skills for self-love, holistic well-being, and individual growth.

Seasonal Retreats

Summer Retreat: “Sunshine of Support”

Dates: June 14th, 2024 – No Longer Available.

Description: Bask in the sunshine of support during this summer retreat. Strengthen bonds, enjoy outdoor activities, and engage in supportive group discussions about self-love and well-being. Learn to empower yourself and experience joy throughout summer and beyond.


  1. Welcome 
  2. Group Sharing Sessions
  3. Hiking and reflection in nature
  4. Self-Love and Well-Being Workshops
  5. Creative Expression and Art Therapy
  6. Sunset Celebration and Fire Ceremony

Fall Retreat:
“Harvesting Hope”

Dates: October 18th, 2024

Description: Gather in the fall to harvest hope and reflect on your journey. Workshops delve into the dynamics of addiction within families, emphasizing healing through shared experiences. Enjoy therapeutic outdoor activities and collaborative art and cooking sessions.


  1. Fall Harvest Welcoming Ceremony
  2. Family Dynamics and Addiction 
  3. Therapeutic Outdoor Activities
  4. Group Discussions on Family Healing
  5. Collaborative Art and Expression
  6. Mindfulness and Relaxation Sessions
  7. Closing Ceremony and Future Plans

Winter Retreat: “Embracing Resilience”

Dates: February 2025

Description: Come together in a cozy, snow-covered setting to foster resilience and mutual support during the winter retreat. Engage in group sessions, guided snow walks, and a fire ceremony. Focus on understanding the impact of addiction on families and developing empowering strategies.


  1. Welcome and Ice-Breaking Activities
  2. Group Therapy and Sharing Circles
  3. Nature Walks and Outdoor Team Building
  4. Addiction Education Workshop
  5. Art Therapy for Self-Expression
  6. Relaxation and Mindfulness Sessions
  7. Closing Bonfire and Reflection



Nestled in the serene woods just outside Madison, WI, the Living Kindness Retreat offers a warm and inviting home-like environment where you can connect with others who share similar experiences. Our retreat provides a tranquil escape from the demands of daily life.