and Facilitation

Christine infuses trust, communication,
and teamwork into an organization’s
DNA boosting performance and accelerating results.

    Do your organizational stakeholders need clarity and focus?

    Are your teams and leaders engaged and aligned behind a shared change agenda?

    Do you need a catalyst to move from planning to execution?

Christine helps organizations create a shared vision, prioritize goals, and deliver results. Her approach is unique as it amplifies an organization’s core strengths, rather than focusing on overcoming weaknesses, to engage and empower its stakeholders. By guiding her participants to tap into their collective strength, she empowers them to own and sustain change well beyond their engagement with her. Working with Christine infuses trust, communication and teamwork into an organization’s DNA, quickly elevating morale, boosting performance, and creating a culture of long-term success.

In over 25+ years of university leadership, Christine has experienced and transformed a myriad of organizational cultures. She has walked in the shoes of a team member and a leader and understands their unique needs and frustrations. Christine creates a deep and authentic connection with her audiences, making her instantly relatable, highly engaging, and effective. In having led multi-university turnarounds, Christine is also deeply aware of the fatigue of a long-drawn change process. As a university leader, she led a 90-day transformation that others completed in 12-18 months. She blends empathy, humor, and interactive experiences to take teams from where they are to where they want to be so they have a plan and energy to focus on implementation and results. Leaders and teams leave Christine’s sessions with a clear vision of their shared future, motivated to perform and deliver results.

In Christine’s words, “It matters greatly to me that my work with clients in this area builds confidence in them by having a clear vision and a roadmap for getting there. This kind of confidence cascades from leadership to the front-line so everyone in the organization knows where they’re going and why.”

Christine is a highly skilled facilitator who draws both enthusiasm and insights out of her audiences. In partnering with her on a strategic planning project, I was impressed with her ability to deeply engage a wide range of stakeholders, from seasoned executive board members to volunteers who were new to strategic planning – all participants felt heard and that their contributions were crucial to the project’s success.

Dan Krueger, Organizational Development Manager for UW

Strategic Planning

Christine helps colleges and universities create a strategic plan that is dynamic, inclusive, and aligned with overarching institutional goals. Having led universities for over three decades, Christine is also intimately familiar with the need to balance market trends, student needs, and financial goals with the needs of diverse stakeholders such as administrators, faculty, students, employers, and alumni groups. With an eye on results and plans that are implemented, Christine facilitates open communication, trust, buy-in, and alignment behind a shared goal. The planning session culminates in Christine guiding the group to create an action plan with clear roles and accountability. Additionally, Christine gives the group a framework to assess performance and measure results. Strategic planning with Christine is a result-oriented, engaging, and collaborative experience that helps organizations establish shared goals, perform, and deliver results quickly. 

Annual Work Plan

In today’s fast paced environment, it is unrealistic to create detailed plans five or more years out. It is also difficult for a busy organization to parse time and resources to update plans in real-time. Christine works with your leadership and diverse stakeholders to engage in a retreat-like setting to create and update annual work plans. In preparation for the planning session, Christine will work with your leadership team to identify top priorities. A highly engaging retreat will allow stakeholders to provide input on how to achieve the strategic priorities. Post retreat a small group can fine-tune the action plan and outcomes with her guidance. Christine can also coach your team to move to implementation and provide quarterly check-ins to ensure ongoing accountability.   

Academic Portfolio Review

The academic portfolio of a university must be robust and market-aligned to drive enrollments, competitive advantage, and profits. However, the process to review current offerings and explore new or redesigned programs is often fraught with internal politics and territorialism. Leveraging her 25+ years of experience as a university leader, Christine helps organizations navigate these challenges through a collaborative, data-driven, and results-oriented process. Revised and new offerings are identified using market data, institutional mission, and stakeholder input. Christine can quickly engage all stakeholders, guide them through a systematic process of program review, and prioritize programs for institutional success.   


A strong, aligned leadership team is essential to the success of colleges and universities. However, the chaos of everyday management and the conflicting needs of diverse stakeholder groups can easily distract leaders from a shared goal. Christine has an extensive background in higher education planning, facilitation, and team development. She integrates leadership development into planning to ensure leaders and teams are aligned, build trust, and are more productive and collegial. Academic leaders who know Christine will attest to the fresh yet experienced perspective she brings to her retreats. Christine’s engagements bring your team together to collaboratively assess where you are at, refocus on or revise shared goals, and create an action plan for long-term alignment, engagement, and success.

with Christine

Request a 30-min complimentary call to share your challenges and explore what we might co-create for you to be successful and fulfilled!

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